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10 Questions To Create A Solid Business Strategy

Do you want to own a profitable business? That requires a solid business strategy. 

A strategy is a long-term plan you create for your business to reach its desired outcome. To achieve goals, a company must have rules and objectives that consist of guiding principles or practices that define the actions people should take or not take. It’s a roadmap that leads you from one point to another and highlights the key expectations.

Many businesses fail because they lack this direction, and they probably don’t always ask themselves the important questions. It’s worth noting that businesses with a well-defined strategy are 2.5 times more likely to outperform their competitors. However, if you’re wondering, “Where do I get started?” then you’re on the right track. We’ll answer your question with ten others you need to ask yourself to create a solid strategy.  

1. Where is Your Business Currently?

Sometimes it’s a lot easier to keep planning for the future and forget where you currently are. Doing the same thing and expecting different results will not be helpful, so instead, compare your past performance to where you are currently, and analyze what has worked well for your business. It would help if you analyzed other external factors based on PESTLE (Political, Economic, Social, Technological, Legal and Environmental). Take a good look at every category we’ve mentioned and see what kind of threats or opportunities could come from each.

2. What is Your Vision Statement?

What do you want your business to be remembered for? Of course, you want to make revenue, but if you don’t understand your business’s purpose or the values that will govern your business, you’ll slowly lose direction. 

3. Where Do You See Your Business Going?

If someone asked you where you see your company in five years, would you be able to give a good answer? 

When answering this question, you need to provide a good description of your company. Think about how you do what you do. What tools do you have, and which tools will you need later on as your company expands? Who is your target client, and why would they be interested in your offerings? And most importantly, what value does your business bring? 

4. How Will You Ensure the Delivery of the Company’s Vision?

Alright, so now you’re excited because you know exactly what you want your business to be and where you want it to go, but how will you ensure that you deliver the company’s vision? Once you’ve identified your strengths and weaknesses, focus on what you feel is a priority for your company, and set high-level objectives for all areas of your business that will guide every department you create. 

Pro Tip: Review your strategic plan’s progress every quarter to stay on track. Regular check-ins help you spot issues early and make needed adjustments. This keeps your company moving toward its goals.

5. Are Your Objectives Measurable?

Your business objectives need to be measurable based on the SMART theory (Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Realistic, and Time-related). Don’t set unrealistic targets but set KPIs, allocate resources, and always have a budget. 

Pro Tip: Change your strategic plan when your goals shift or when you face new challenges. Update it if market conditions or customer needs change. Regularly reviewing the plan helps you stay on track.

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6. What Are Your Short-Term Goals?

Assuming you already have departments or you’re yet to set some, we would encourage you to set short-term plans and goals for each department. Letting everyone know what they are meant to do and when they should do it encourages more accountability among staff members.  

Pro Tip: Keep your strategic plan simple so it’s easy to adjust when needed. Regularly review your goals and be open to making changes. This way, you can quickly adapt to new challenges and opportunities.

7. How Do You Get Your Team To Take the Strategy Seriously?

Many businesses have strategies, but unfortunately, not many tend to implement them. Have regular strategy meetings and urge your managers to create status reports. They must include research that is relevant to the business and recommendations for your next steps.

8. Do You Know Your Competitive Advantage?

Countless businesses are competing for a piece of market share. While you’re thinking about what makes your company stand out, your competitors are also trying to gain a competitive edge. Some of the factors that will make your business unique are its service offering, pricing model, and delivery system. 

9. Do You Have People Who Can Share Honest Feedback With You?

Sometimes an impartial opinion could make a significant difference if you’re open to it. Requesting feedback from people you trust as part of your strategic planning can help you easily move through the learning curve to a successful business.  

10. How Will You Ensure That You Stick to Your Business Strategy?

Strategic planning helps you focus on clear goals, so your efforts aren’t wasted. It gets everyone on the same page, working toward the same outcomes. This approach makes your business more productive and effective.

However, more often than not, people tend to create strategies and then forget them altogether. Follow up with your team or stakeholders and consistently check to see if you’re on track, hitting targets, learning from past mistakes, and constantly improving. 

How Accounovation Can Drive Your Business Growth

Are you looking for a financial advisor who can help you accelerate the growth of your business? Accounovation can help you achieve your financial goals while making accurate predictions. We also provide businesses with a complete fractional accounting team for the price of a full-time bookkeeper. Get in touch with us for a free consultation on how we can assist you with accounting services.

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Frequently Asked Questions:

What does strategic planning involve?

Strategic planning involves setting clear goals, defining the steps to achieve them, and aligning resources to reach those goals. It’s about creating a roadmap for future growth and success.

Who should be part of the strategic planning process?

Key leaders and decision-makers, including managers and team leaders, should be involved. It’s also helpful to include those who will implement the plan to ensure everyone is on the same page.

What is the difference between a strategic plan and an operational work plan?

A strategic plan focuses on long-term goals and the overall direction, while an operational work plan deals with the day-to-day tasks needed to implement that strategy. The strategic plan sets the vision; the operational plan executes it.

What time frame should our strategic plan cover?

Typically, a strategic plan should cover 3 to 5 years. This allows for both short-term adjustments and long-term goals. Regular reviews help keep it relevant.